Roi Alliance Summary     Server:  954

Date Score Net Score Net 1st 2nd 3rd
1 03-Aug-2024 -2,920 -2.9 K Kaorie Yuki go↓↓
2 25-May-2024 -1,341,885 -1.3 M Alt_123Aki MomijiKaorie Yuki go↓↓
3 30-Mar-2024 -419,888 -419.9 K Monarch160101167Aki Momiji go↓↓
4 23-Dic-2023 -530,353 -530.4 K Kaorie Yuki go↓↓
5 05-Aug-2023 -15,468,072 -15.5 M AJFrôstetipz🐉 Cyr 🐉✨ Astra ✨ go↓↓
6 08-Jul-2023 -31,427,302 -31.4 M Swords of ZanThentonRussinho II go↓↓

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Alliance: Roi - Date: 03-Aug-2024 - server: 954 Up ☝️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
68 Kaorie Yuki 24.5M 0 -2,920 -2,920 0 100 %
Total -2,920

Alliance: Roi - Date: 25-May-2024 - server: 954 Up ☝️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
86 Alt_123 5.8M 0 -380,135 -380,135 0 100 %
88 Aki Momiji 20.2M 0 -415,086 -415,086 0 100 %
94 Kaorie Yuki 25.3M 0 -546,664 -546,664 0 100 %
Total -1,341,885

Alliance: Roi - Date: 30-Mar-2024 - server: 954 Up ☝️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
82 Monarch160101167 13.6 0 -429 -429 0 100 %
110 Aki Momiji 20.6M 0 -419,459 -419,459 0 100 %
Total -419,888

Alliance: Roi - Date: 23-Dic-2023 - server: 954 Up ☝️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
72 Kaorie Yuki 26.9M 0 -530,353 -530,353 0 100 %
Total -530,353

Alliance: Roi - Date: 05-Aug-2023 - server: 954 Up ☝️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
13 AJFrôstetipz 717.7M 21,222,600 -473,995 20,748,605 3 ↑ 98 %
27 🐉 Cyr 🐉 706.4M 1,788,134 -380,785 1,407,349 3 ↑ 79 %
36 ✨ Astra ✨ 393.5M 786,000 0 786,000 3 ↑ 100 %
99 Engineer gvp 9.1M 0 -5,408,948 -5,408,948 0 100 %
118 Russinho II 43.8M 0 -33,001,078 -33,001,078 0 100 %
Total -15,468,072

Alliance: Roi - Date: 08-Jul-2023 - server: 954 Up ☝️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
72 Swords of Zan 479,500 0 479,500 3 ↑ 100 %
76 Thenton 451,000 0 451,000 3 ↑ 100 %
114 Russinho II 0 -6,570,457 -6,570,457 0 100 %
116 Womark 0 -12,440,000 -12,440,000 0 100 %
118 🐉 Cyr 🐉 215,748,271 -229,095,616 -13,347,345 0.94 6 %
Total -31,427,302